Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Maura Elizabeth

Maura Elizabth McCormick was born December 23rd, weighing 7 lbs & 11 oz, measuring 20 inches. She has light brown hair, her eyes look pretty dark already (but we shall see), a pointly little nose, very chubby cheeks & thighs! She is pretty content, but when displeased will intermittently let out very loud, assertive screams. The entire family is very taken by her, especially Charlie. He always wants to hold her. If that is not an option he just wants to touch her head. We got a cute video of him in the hsopital, but it is really hard to hear. The video starts with Charlie saying "Maura" and then he tells her: "I play hockey, baby".

1 comment:

Rya Nicole said...

She is adorable! Congrats, we can't wait to meet her.