Monday, February 25, 2008


This blog hasn't really given appropriate attention to our oldest, Hannah, who (as a normal 4th grader) spends a good amount of her time at school, doing homework, or practicing. She is growing to be such a sweet young lady (not a far departure from the sweet young girl she was a short while ago). I was sick a few days last week & don't know that I would have gotten through it without Hannah. She was so quick and happy to help. She also has a gift with the boys: Hannah can play "teacher" and the boys fall right into line and all play happily together for an hour! She is a great sister, daughter, and young person.

1 comment:

becky said...

amen to that!!!
and not that you or pace want to hear it yet, but that girl can turn heads!!! what a beautiful chick you have made.