Monday, November 5, 2007


Trick-or-treating begins promptly at 3 pm in these parts! We didn't actually get out of the house until 4pm, however. After going around our block William told everyone "That's enough candy for me" and decided to ride in the stroller. Our block was closed off so the kids could run around. At 6pm pizzas were delivered for the kids & the adults on the block enjoyed a potluck dinner with variety of soups & chili's. It was a fun evening... Below you will see:

Will as Spiderman (without the mask because it "smells bad" - also when Will puts on the mask he turns "mean" and tries to tackle everyone.)

Hannah as a Disco Girl (but she probably could pass for a Disco Young Woman...)

Charlie as a Lion (we found out on Halloween that Charlie likes candy, which will hopefully help put on the pounds)

Our neighbors: Alexis as Batgirl and Isaac as a Skunk

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