Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Monkey Island

Hannah did ot have school today, so i took all three kids to Monkey Island. Everyone (including the parents) can jump, run, slide & play on the inflatable "playgrounds". Good times were had by all.

Puppy Charlie

This video shows Hannah trying to get Charlie to perform various animal sounds, but Charlie just wanted to act like a dog. Acting like a dog is Charlie's new thing. When he gets excited or happy he sticks out his tongue and starts panting!


Pace and I got a sitter for Charlie and took Hannah and Will skiing this weekend. We all had a blast! Hannah and William took to the slopes like fish to water. Hannah said she is hooked. I could kick myself for not getting video of them - especially Will, who by the end of the day, was going down the bunny hill by himself! I did, however, get a few photos...