Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hannah's Recital

Hannah played Wild Gallop by Greenleaf & Dream Echoes by Lancaster. I old got the second half of the first song - not a good video, but she did a good job.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Boys in Leaves


We had a great Halloween this year. Many neighbors had tailgate-like parties, so i was too busy chatting to get pics. Hannah was a gorilla (as was I a couple weeks prior, which you will see), Will was Ninja Flash, Charles was Tigger and Maura was a bee. Charlie and Maura were both is Hannah's old costumes.

Brown County

And we're back...
Six months isn't that long, right? We rented a cabin in Brown County for fall break. We had such a great time that we decided to make it an annual trip.

Maura's facial expression is too funny in this one & notice Charlie's pants...