Saturday, February 28, 2009


The kids and Pace built an excellent snow fort when Hannah's snow day. You can see the fort in the beginning stages in the dark picture below; upon completion it was about 4.5 feet tall. I also took a couple pics of Maura in her snowsuit - it didn't quite fit yet.

Will's Hockey

Will "plays hockey" (which is really learn to skate while holding a stick) on Sunday afternoons. Pace has to be on the ice with him or Will would not skate.

Maura's Baptism

Maura was baptized Feb. 15th. We had a nice little party after the service at our house, but failed to get many pictures. The party basically consisted of quickly eating and then running Hannah to her game and Will to hockey practice. Below are pics of Maura with her Godfather, Mike and her Great-Grandpa.