Maura Elizabth McCormick was born December 23rd, weighing 7 lbs & 11 oz, measuring 20 inches. She has light brown hair, her eyes look pretty dark already (but we shall see), a pointly little nose, very chubby cheeks & thighs! She is pretty content, but when displeased will intermittently let out very loud, assertive screams. The entire family is very taken by her, especially Charlie. He always wants to hold her. If that is not an option he just wants to touch her head. We got a cute video of him in the hsopital, but it is really hard to hear. The video starts with Charlie saying "Maura" and then he tells her: "I play hockey, baby".
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The Holiday Season
Skating on Thanksgiving
The family went skating after our Thanksgiving dinner. It was Charlie's first time on the ice. You can hear Pace's dad and me in the background. I was nervous Will was going to knock over Charlie and Grandad wanted to make sure everyone was watching the boys on the ice.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Charlie was being a little too quiet. I went up to check and found him in the bathroom sink surrounded by toothpaste and dental floss. I am not sure how he got into that sink.
Hannah was giving both Charlie and Will piano lessons (note the yellow post-its on the piano). I was only able to catch Charlie for a photo.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Will's 4th Birthday
Summer 2008
Our summer was fun and very busy: bought a house, moved out of state (again), went on a few vacations, attended a couple weddings, the rest of our summer was spent at around Lake Michigan. Today, being the last day of summer, I thought it would be appropriate to post my favorite pictures taken over the season. I promise I will be better at posting during the fall, winter and spring months. The photos are in no particular order.
Boys watching Butler's Marching Band after one of Hannah's cross country meets.
Charlie zerberting (does anyone know how to spell that?) his baby sister.
Boys watching Butler's Marching Band after one of Hannah's cross country meets.
Charlie zerberting (does anyone know how to spell that?) his baby sister.
Pace and Hannah upon completion of their mini triathlons.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Sienna Elizabeth
it was a cold snowy one, but we'll take it. The pictures below highlight one of the Easter Egg hunts, as well as all of the kids going down the alley for an after dinner stroll. No, William is not barefoot. He just insisted on wearing his new flip flops for the hunt!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Monkey Island
Hannah did ot have school today, so i took all three kids to Monkey Island. Everyone (including the parents) can jump, run, slide & play on the inflatable "playgrounds". Good times were had by all.
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